Thursday, October 28, 2010

Smartphones: Device that is Transforming the Emerging Markets in the Globe

A smart phone is a mobile phone with more advanced computing ability than a contemporary basic feature phone. They are handheld Computers integrated within a mobile telephone, and allows the user to install and run more applications based on a specific platform.

Growth in demand for advanced mobile devices boasting powerful processors, abundant memory, larger screens, and open operating systems has outpaced the rest of the mobile phone market for several years.

According to a Study by ComScore, over 45.5 million people in the United States owned smart phones in 2010 and it is the fastest growing segment of the mobile phone market, which comprised 234 million subscribers in the United States.

Business and markets analysis show that the key factor to revolutionizing markets across the globe are Innovations that brings cutting-edge and inspires passion, engagement and fun for Customers or Subscribers.

As we all know we are in an information age, and whatever enhances information is valuable. Wise investors now are putting their money in Company stocks that have relative terms with Improvised technology and device manufacturing that enhances and improves Information Gateway and connectivity.

It is amazing to see how the Mobile phone device has transformed and evolved from just normal features of making and receiving calls, sending and receiving sms to becoming a smart phone with fully loaded features and add-ons that enables browsing, synchronization of office mails and networking via the social networks available like facebook, twitter.

The World is changing and technology is becoming rapid by the day. Even the Holy Bible Book of Daniel has an account that foretells of this time when knowledge shall increase across the Globe. So it is rather amazing to see how the Globe has transformed through the Smartphone devices.

The first set of Smartphones in the 20th Century was Simon designed by IBM in 1992, followed by the Nokia Communicator line Nokia 9000 released in 1996 and Ericsson’s GS88. These smartphones had the features calendar, notepad, world clock, e-mail service, open operating system, and expensive Personal Digital assistant(PDA).

In the 21st Century we have seen more improvised innovations that have positioned the Manufacturing firms as the leading and richest companies in the Globe today. The beauty is that every day it keeps improving and there is very heavy competition between key innovative companies Apple, Ericsson and RIM (Research in Motion) with every strategy employed to keep afloat and sustain their relevance in the markets.

The Three afore-mentioned companies are smart companies because they improvised the smart phone device and have profited handsomely from it, which shows that they lead customers with innovation not just responding to their current trends.

The smart phones have now generated unique value in the markets as younger people not even the elite working class want to have the smart phone device.This value has catapulted companies like Nokia, Apple, Ericsson and RIM to play dominant roles in the technology sector.

In 2000 Ericsson released the touch screen R380 the first device to use the symbian OS. Followed by P800 in 2002 the first camera smartphone. Handspring released the Palm OS Treo smart phone in 2002, utilizing a full keyboard that combined wireless web browsing, email, calendar and organizer with third party applications.

RIM released the Blackberry in 2002, LG prada and HTC touch were released in 2007, and Apple introduced the unique iphone in 2009 which has been on high demand. Nokia released this year the Nexus One using the Android OS.

Microsoft amazingly has observed the growing trend and turnovers coming to Apple and RIM, and have decided to re-launch themselves in the smart phone market with an improvised smart phone innovation device “Microsoft 7” which is geared towards giving other Manufacturers like Apple and RIM stiff competition.

The markets now have a variety of smart phones to choose from, with intriguing cutting edge technologies and sensation additions and features. This is bringing huge and unusual profit turnovers for the Manufacturers with accelerated revenue.

According to ABI research the emerging markets has seen the availability of more cutting edge less expensive smart phones than the past years in diverse forms and makes. It has also brought value to telecommunications Service providers who have explored the opportunities of the smart phones offers increasing their Leverage.

So From America, Europe, Asia to Africa the Mobile manufacturers have shipped 55 million smart phones during the first quarter of 2010, a remarkable drive in the global markets which has obviously engaged all the Mobile and Gadgets companies in high-level thinking and supersonic innovation to really gain relevance in this mind blowing but money-spinning product called “smart phones’.

Whether it is the “Blackberry”, the “Iphone OS 4”, or the “Nexus one” the smart phones have revolutionized the markets, and for this century have emerged as a products that have embraced high-level technology and would be rated as one of “The Market Transformers” which have also served as a ‘social networking enablers’ which is unique for a globalized World .

Ottoabasi Abasiekong

Monday, October 25, 2010


Ottoabasi Abasiekong
According to David Hakala Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly Follow. Every Organization needs leaders at every level. The 33rd President of the United States of America defined a Leader as “A man that can persuade people to do what they don’t want to do, or do what they’re too lazy to do, and like it”. This article is dedicated to a Biblical leadership Icon Nehemiah, who was a great and strategic leadership icon that was instrumental to galvanizing and mobilizing the Jews to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was the son of Hacaliah and was Cup Bearer to King Artaxerxes of Medo-Persia, and later appointed Governor of Jerusalem. The article will outline and discuss the strategic leadership that Nehemiah gave the Jews, to successfully rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem that where burnt down. Nehemiah exhibited certain amazing qualities of strategic leadership, which this article will identify and discuss, making a strong case for strategic leadership which is vital to transformation and development.
1) Burden: From Nehemiah Chapter 1:1-3, Nehemiah wept and cried when he heard the news from his brother about how the gates and walls of Jerusalem had been burnt and broken down. He mourned, fasted and prayed to God expressing his feelings and pains hearing also that his people were in great trouble and disgrace. This is one great quality of a Strategic leader, when a leader has no burden for people, his or her ability to be an effective and strategic leader will be limited. He or She will exist to promote, protect and attenuate his or her selfish interests, which explains the corruption and despotic leadership we see today across the world.
2) Taking Responsibility: Nehemiah did not just have a burden, he also took the responsibility to rebuild the wall and gates of Jeruslalem, From Nehemiah 2:1-9 Nehemiah who was the Cupbearer to King Artaxerxes expressed his readiness and willingness to the King, to mobilize the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem. David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was quoted in last year’s British Conservative Party Conventions as Saying that “UK Society is Broken, Government got too big and did not take responsibility”. Responsibility is a key mark of a strategic leader, and Nehemiah possessed it.
3) Articulating the Vision: This is another defining quality of Strategic Leaders and according to Jack Welch former CEO of General Electric “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it into completion”. From Nehemiah 2:17-19,Nehemiah articulated the vision of rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem, and infused the passion in the jews to be part of the vision. He also succeeded in inspiring, awakening and mobilizing the jews through the ability to the Articulate the Vision of the Rebuilding project.
4) Focus in the Midst of Opposition: The greatest test for Leadership, is to maintain focus in the midst of Opposition. Nehemiah’ rebuilding project for the walls and gates of Jerusalem faced great opposition and resistance from the Tobiah and Sanballat company. From Nehemiah Chapter 4 despite the opposition through letters of petition that was sent to the Palace of the King that initially delayed the work, Nehemiah’s Focus on his assignment displaced the antics and schemes of Tobiah and Sanballat was a great mark of Leadership. Great leaders are optimists who see opportunities in the midst difficulties and opposition, and Nehemiah is one leader that displayed this great Quality. President Barack Obama of the United States of America like Nehemiah maintained focus despite the stiff opposition, he faced from Republican Senators on the passage of the ‘Health Care Reforms’ for America. The end result was the passage of the Bill , which became a reality because President Obama was focused, undaunted, and unperturbed about the resistance he faced.
5) Dedication: According to Massie “Leadership occurs when one person induces others to work towards some predetermined objectives”, Nehemiah infused dedication and commitment in the Jews to achieve the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem. From the moment Nehemiah charged the Jews in Nehemiah 2:17 and the acceptance and willingness of the people in Nehemiah 3:18, there was dedication and commitment to complete the rebuilding of the walls, which was actualized in Chapter 8.This dedication can be credited to Nehemiah who showed how to be dedicated, by being actively involved in the inspection, coordination, mobilization and full implementation of the rebuilding project of the walls and gates of Jerusalem.
6) Integrity: According to D.P. Noe “When you are in Leadership role, you are totally responsible for maintaining your own ethical behavior if you want to be an inspiration of integrity for others to follow”. Nehemiah was one leader that had Integrity in the way he conducted the affairs of Jerusalem. Unlike his Predecessors Nehemiah did not oppress his people, but as Governor he gave back to the people their lands, fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, removed the high taxes. He refused to be a leader that lords over the people, but choosed the path of servant leadership. Nehemiah did not tolerate corruption and embezzlement of public funds from his nobles and officials. As a Governor he new he was there for the people not for his interests, and therefore did not have challenges hearing the cries and wails of poor, helpless and unemployed.
Nehemiah’s leadership as Governor of Jerusalem, is one remarkable leadership that is worthy of emulation, the World today is looking for leaders that are selfless, posterity conscious, industrious, honest, dynamic and visionary. These are qualities that Nehemiah possessed, and I can imagine if we had more Nehemiah as a President of a Country in the 21st Century, that country would experience of transformation, sustainable development.

Monday, October 18, 2010


On May 6, 2010 Britons went to the polls to decide who will lead them as Prime Minister, after the tumultuous impact of the Global economic recession. The Election was exciting thrilling as the three major Contestants slugged it out, appealing to voters with their oratory prowess, campaign promises, economic strategies, and foreign policy directions. The Contestants were Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the Labour Party, Mr David Cameron of the Conservative Party and Mr. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats Party.
At the end of the Elections, David Cameron won the Elections after he also succeeded in wooing Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats to form a coalition for the new Government and also emerging as the youngest Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 1812, saddled with the responsibility of moving the United Kingdom Forward and reposition it as a Key player in International Politics and Economy.
His Predecessor Gordon Brown resigned after the Elections, due to the inconsistencies that has trailed his leadership of the Labour Party and the style and manner he administered the affairs of the United Kingdom Economy, Foreign Relations and Public Sector reforms caused Brown to have more critics than the initial admirers of his reform plans for the UK economy.
Compared to his tenure as Chancellor of Exchequer in 1997, when he was credited for moral prudence, leading economic expansion, avoiding UK’S integration into the Eurozone and strategic Economic reforms that put UK as a Leading Global economic player, Brown’s entry as Prime Minister in 2007,witnessed a different leadership direction for the UK political economy.
According to William Hague Conservative party Senior Member(Shadow Foreign Secretary),the Gordon Brown Leadership witnessed a “Catastrophic Stewardship” of the UK economy, which has moved UK downward from second to twelfth place in the International League of competitiveness according to the World Economic Forum.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown now admitted for the first time in an ITV television interview, that he conceded to pressure from the City and failed to regulate the Banks properly.The crisis has cost taxpayers tens of billions of pounds. RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) and Lloyds Banking Group came close to collapse and Northern Rock and Bradford &Bingley had to be nationalized.
This contributed to Brown’s unpopularity ahead of the UK May elections, which Brown Lost unfortunately to the Conservative/Liberal Democrats coalition and offcourse had to say goodbye to 22 Downing street and welcome on board a New, and Fresh Leadership.
With the entry of David Cameron as the Prime Minister, it may allude to the fact that intelligence and oratory prowess may have become the real tonic and verve for anybody aspiring to be a President or Prime Minister of a country in the 21st century, because President Obama had Oratory prowess and offcourse displaced Sen John McCain to become American President. The Brown Brown tenure witnessed a lot of challenges and crisis , from the Postal Workers’ strike in 2009, British Airways workers’ strike in 2010, and also the early 2009 strike of UK contractors in Multinationals who were protesting the Dominance of foreigners in the Multinational oil companies.
The Global economic meltdown which was acute in 2009, saw 50,000 Britons lose their jobs as at January, 2009.Which led to the Request of the Bank of England Governor Meryl King in March,2009 to purchase eligible assets to the tune of $75bl, to safeguard the economy from any collapse.
David Cameron (Conservative Party Leader), has promised to bring responsible leadership to UK political economy, bringing UK out of the doldrum to a stable, reliable and vibrant economy.He lambasted the Labour Party for irresponsibility, lack of accountability and improper leadership of the UK Economy and Public Sector reforms.
Now the talk and oratory prowess is over, and its time for action, and Prime Minister David Cameron has a lot in his hands alongside his Deputy Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democratic party.This is the First Coalition Government in many years and the ability for the coalititon to pull through their plural, and diverse ideologies and inclinations to give Britons good leadership.
The big test for the Foreign Relations skills of David Cameron with William Hague taking over as Foreign secretary, will be to improve British relations with the United States of America, and reposition the UK as a key player in the Market Economy, as the country has experience a slow decline in international relevance and had in the past four years, become a poor strategist Nation in Trade relations and competitiveness amongst nations.
As for the Economy the Appointment of George Osborne as the New Chancellor of Exchequer would come at a crucial time for the UK Economy where the UK budget deficit will be reduced by a difficult decision to reduce budget spending of $6bn, hoping that UK is insulated from the Austerity flu brooding over Europe, which is capable of bringing a catastrophic impact on the Uk Public sector reforms.
Beyond the Oratory prowess British Prime Minister David Cameron , will need ‘Courage’, to face the challenges of the UK, and lead it back to the position of a leading player in the League of Nations, acting with the mentality of an optimist who sees ‘Opportunities in every Difficulty’, and crisis as a way of giving a nation Direction.
David Cameron will now have to take responsibility for the future of the Britons, and forget about criticizing the past mistakes of the Labour Party because dwelling on thepast may inhibit his ability to see prospects and opportunities to move Britain forward.
Also Prime Minister David Cameron and his team, will have to be more strategic in their plans for the Economy, the Defence Policy covering Britains involvement in the War in Afghanistan and Iraq, alongside international alliances NATO,OECD,G-20,G-8,ODA assistance, and various Global regional and regional commitments made over the years.
The young British Tory Prime Minister has critics, who feel and have analyzed that his coalition will not survive the Five year term and they he will only talk but would not be able to perform as expected, and I must say that I really like the way he talks and analyzes issues and I hope it will translate to real action and successful Governance.


Google and RIM(Research In Motion) are two Information Technology driven

corporations that have utilized cutting edge technology to move business and markets across the World, in the 21st Century to a tremendous level.
Google Inc are the leading search engine operators in the World, leading millions of people on the planet to search online and through the internet for information that can improve Businesses, Education,Science and Research,Politics and Governance, Agriculture, Industrialization,Commerce,Tourism, Health Issues,and even Telecommunications.
It has provided a Link for connectivity and social networks and has partnered with various high-level information resources like the Encyclopedia to answer several questions that may tinker on the minds of students, researchers, scientists,leaders and business-minded people.
RIM also has revolutionized the information technology through the manufacturing the ‘Blackberry’ Phones which has made it easier for millions of users to synchronize their search and information through the ‘BB’ If they are not handy with their laptops or notebooks ,which is a remarkable innovation and additional value created for millions of customers who use the ‘BB’ phones.
Between Google and RIM are new innovative strategies for Information, Networking and Socialization that have improved the operations of businesses and operations, in the Globalized World and has also engaged Telecommunications service providers with great opportunities to reaching out to Elite and numerous customers who love the amazing online web service offered by these two companies.
Obviously Innovation that brings excitement, intrigue, faster ways of doing thing, value for customers, revolutionization of businesses and effectiveness in technology should be embraced , encouraged, emulated , developed, and strengthened by Nations who want their populace to advance and be up to-date with present day technology and transformations.
Millions of people across the World can attest to the impact and improvement in the markets, that Google and RIM have brought through strategic innovations. Lives have experienced transformation, development, and advancement, due to the experience they’ve got via exposure to the facilities and provisions of the RIM and Google corporations.
Unfortunately increasing excessive regulations are hacking down and posing a growing threat to the expansion of these new Information technology innovations that have been positioned to transform and improve business market operations. This Year Google have experienced a growing battle with the Chinese Government for ‘Censorship’ rights and RIM have had their own share of trouble with the UAE authorities for access to information/database of the ‘Blackberry’ operations.
Excessive Regulations and High-level Censorship of innovations to Information Technology has a way of impeding the growth of new improvised strategies for people who love to gain information and learn for self-development, research for advancement, and also connecting to improve networking in a saturated business environment.
The Experience of Google in China, which has now assumed the position of the second-largest Market in the World is disheartening and undermines the essence of International business and technology.From the Speech of Mr Eric Schmidt CEO of Google at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the ‘Censorship’ stance by the Chinese authorities on the Google service violates the the principles of Google service which has an ‘Uncensored Service’ operation across the World.
If Google were to compromise to the Chinese Government offer that will mean the complete monitoring and control of information, which is antithetical to the tenets of growth and development of a Nation, that emphasizes on creating an enabling environment for learning and exposure to information that can bring transformation and development to an Economy, for which Google abides by. Control will mean operating like a Dictator or a Military Junta that is locking its Nation to the International Community, even when we are in a Globalized World.
I believe it is Wrong for China to seek Development , be named in the ‘BRICS’ model of developed economies by World Bank, seek partnership with Nations especially in the Area of Oil and Gas operations but set excessive regulations to Information technology that can inhibit the development and empowerment of its citizens who are regular customers to the ‘Google’ search online service.
One would think that it is only China, that is getting excessive and overbearing with the influx of innovation and technology into its country,but that is not the case.The United Arab Emirates an admirable Arab Kingdom who has opened its doors to Western Partnership , Trade operations, Economic Forums, and Free Trade Zone Developments have also joined the Wagon of Policing and Monitoring .
The August,2010 rift between RIM(Research In Motion) makers of the Smartphone Blackberry Government and the UAE Kingdom leaves want to wonder if this new wave of innovation Policing is not borne out of sudden fear of Western Domination of the markets through Innovation and Technology.For the record Google is based in the USA while RIM is based in Canada.
The cause of the rift between UAE and the RIM company is that the RIM Company couldn’t give the UAE authorities a guaranteed access to Monitor the device and its Blackberry services Locally.As at the First Week of August,2010 the UAE authorities were ready to instruct its State telecommunication authorities to suspend the Blackberry e-maIl service, because the communication traffic could not be used for purposes that run afoul of Social or legal regulations in the conservative Middleast Nation.
This has in a way affected RIM’S overseas expansion even as the Indian authorities raised concerns about the Blackberry E-mail service an has also spread through the Gulf, posing a threat to the leverage of RIM in the Middleast Business Market.
It may be likely that China and the Gulf Nations like UAE are becoming wary of the Innovation and business startegies of Google inc and RIM corporation, because of the fear of western influence that may awaken the youth and possibly cause a quest for socio-political revolutions and transformations which is dreaded in these Nations.
According to Independent Technology Analyst Camri Levy on RIM/UAE issue ‘It’s bad market because it may put a chill not only on anyone in the country,but in the region who may be considering buying a Blackberry.
There are several questions bordering my Mind, if the USA have outsourced a lot of its Manufacturing operations to China without excessive regulations,Why is it Difficult for the Chinese authorities to accept the operation mode of a Corporation from the USA, without Policing?
If Former President George H.W. Bush could trust and sign with the UAE/Dubai Maritime authorities the Management of America’s 8 Major sea ports without excessive regulations,Why is it Difficult for the UAE to allow the Canada Based corporation to operate its product in their territory without stiff and excessive regulations?
My Anaysis here is that the approach of the Chinese and the United Arab emirates authorities to the operations of this two strategic Information-driven Companies will restrict and inhibit Innovation in their countries.Google has a variety of online properties and until its decision to pull out of China to Hongkong, an estimated share value of $300million in the Chinese Market.
Google has even recently updated a web application which enterprises can take a ‘’Versionless’ approach to development.Which means that enterprises can develop applications at the same pace, but make their changes steadily and incrementally.This could have been effective for the Chinese Entrepreneurial Class which is the Largest in the World, but may not be accessible or useful due to the ‘Censorship’ stance of the Chinese authorities.
RIM has about 400,000 subscribers using the Blackberry smartphones in the United Arab Emirates,this population of active users have contributed too the current quarterly sales profit RIM enjoyed to the tune of about $4.62bl.So what happens now that the Authorities have threatened to shut down the services of the Blackberry operations, have they considered the Impact.
I will agree with the Chinese and United Arab Emirate Authorities if they call for regulatory partnership with RIM and Google on curbing or tracking vile information that are immoral and attenuates human insanity like Pornography which increases rape cases and other cyber-related crimes. But to completely set a stance on ‘Censorship’ and ‘Policing’ of their operations is too overbearing and offcourse I can see reason why both companies will not bow.