Monday, October 25, 2010


Ottoabasi Abasiekong
According to David Hakala Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly Follow. Every Organization needs leaders at every level. The 33rd President of the United States of America defined a Leader as “A man that can persuade people to do what they don’t want to do, or do what they’re too lazy to do, and like it”. This article is dedicated to a Biblical leadership Icon Nehemiah, who was a great and strategic leadership icon that was instrumental to galvanizing and mobilizing the Jews to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was the son of Hacaliah and was Cup Bearer to King Artaxerxes of Medo-Persia, and later appointed Governor of Jerusalem. The article will outline and discuss the strategic leadership that Nehemiah gave the Jews, to successfully rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem that where burnt down. Nehemiah exhibited certain amazing qualities of strategic leadership, which this article will identify and discuss, making a strong case for strategic leadership which is vital to transformation and development.
1) Burden: From Nehemiah Chapter 1:1-3, Nehemiah wept and cried when he heard the news from his brother about how the gates and walls of Jerusalem had been burnt and broken down. He mourned, fasted and prayed to God expressing his feelings and pains hearing also that his people were in great trouble and disgrace. This is one great quality of a Strategic leader, when a leader has no burden for people, his or her ability to be an effective and strategic leader will be limited. He or She will exist to promote, protect and attenuate his or her selfish interests, which explains the corruption and despotic leadership we see today across the world.
2) Taking Responsibility: Nehemiah did not just have a burden, he also took the responsibility to rebuild the wall and gates of Jeruslalem, From Nehemiah 2:1-9 Nehemiah who was the Cupbearer to King Artaxerxes expressed his readiness and willingness to the King, to mobilize the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem. David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was quoted in last year’s British Conservative Party Conventions as Saying that “UK Society is Broken, Government got too big and did not take responsibility”. Responsibility is a key mark of a strategic leader, and Nehemiah possessed it.
3) Articulating the Vision: This is another defining quality of Strategic Leaders and according to Jack Welch former CEO of General Electric “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it into completion”. From Nehemiah 2:17-19,Nehemiah articulated the vision of rebuilding the walls and gates of Jerusalem, and infused the passion in the jews to be part of the vision. He also succeeded in inspiring, awakening and mobilizing the jews through the ability to the Articulate the Vision of the Rebuilding project.
4) Focus in the Midst of Opposition: The greatest test for Leadership, is to maintain focus in the midst of Opposition. Nehemiah’ rebuilding project for the walls and gates of Jerusalem faced great opposition and resistance from the Tobiah and Sanballat company. From Nehemiah Chapter 4 despite the opposition through letters of petition that was sent to the Palace of the King that initially delayed the work, Nehemiah’s Focus on his assignment displaced the antics and schemes of Tobiah and Sanballat was a great mark of Leadership. Great leaders are optimists who see opportunities in the midst difficulties and opposition, and Nehemiah is one leader that displayed this great Quality. President Barack Obama of the United States of America like Nehemiah maintained focus despite the stiff opposition, he faced from Republican Senators on the passage of the ‘Health Care Reforms’ for America. The end result was the passage of the Bill , which became a reality because President Obama was focused, undaunted, and unperturbed about the resistance he faced.
5) Dedication: According to Massie “Leadership occurs when one person induces others to work towards some predetermined objectives”, Nehemiah infused dedication and commitment in the Jews to achieve the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem. From the moment Nehemiah charged the Jews in Nehemiah 2:17 and the acceptance and willingness of the people in Nehemiah 3:18, there was dedication and commitment to complete the rebuilding of the walls, which was actualized in Chapter 8.This dedication can be credited to Nehemiah who showed how to be dedicated, by being actively involved in the inspection, coordination, mobilization and full implementation of the rebuilding project of the walls and gates of Jerusalem.
6) Integrity: According to D.P. Noe “When you are in Leadership role, you are totally responsible for maintaining your own ethical behavior if you want to be an inspiration of integrity for others to follow”. Nehemiah was one leader that had Integrity in the way he conducted the affairs of Jerusalem. Unlike his Predecessors Nehemiah did not oppress his people, but as Governor he gave back to the people their lands, fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, removed the high taxes. He refused to be a leader that lords over the people, but choosed the path of servant leadership. Nehemiah did not tolerate corruption and embezzlement of public funds from his nobles and officials. As a Governor he new he was there for the people not for his interests, and therefore did not have challenges hearing the cries and wails of poor, helpless and unemployed.
Nehemiah’s leadership as Governor of Jerusalem, is one remarkable leadership that is worthy of emulation, the World today is looking for leaders that are selfless, posterity conscious, industrious, honest, dynamic and visionary. These are qualities that Nehemiah possessed, and I can imagine if we had more Nehemiah as a President of a Country in the 21st Century, that country would experience of transformation, sustainable development.

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